Sample Letter



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Senator Scott Brown

2400 JFK Federal Building

Boston, MA 02203          

Dear Senator Brown: 

           You are getting this letter because I am very concerned about the many threats and opportunities surrounding climate change.

           I am convinced that the science of climate change is sound, and that climate change represents a valuable opportunity for America to lead both technologically and economically. The race is on, worldwide, to transform the global economy into one that is based on clean, sustainable non-fossil fueled sources of energy.

          America must stop importing energy from global trouble spots. Many of our military experts point to an increased risk to America’s national security from conflicts over various resources, including land, food, and water all due to climate change.

         Senator Brown, you could be a hero, not only to 300 million Americans, but also to six billion other global citizens by upholding your prior pro-environmental voting record in Massachusetts.

         Please support a strong climate, energy, and green jobs bill in the United States Senate.

         Thank you for listening.


                                                                                                [Eric Cartman] [actually write your name here]

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